I'm feeling random, so I thought I'd share this fun thing I added for
messages that are outlook user replies. It works semi-reliably on them
after hitting reply in mutt. There's plenty of room for improvement, but
it works pretty nicely as a way to free my frustration after seeing
outlook replies. Even when it doesn't work. :) Note, it currently only
works on one outlook reply at a time. So use it regularly. ;) It changes
the "-- Original MEssage --" nonsense and some other things. Be sure to
customize it to your liking.
Note...the headers for the message being edited are preferred to be in
vim for this to work.

Add in vimrc:
map <f1> vG$!ol2sanity.pl<cr>

Choose a different key if you want. Note that it assumes you are at the
top of the file.

Then add the attached script in your path somewhere.

Have fun.
Mike Brownlow           ><>          http://www.wsmake.org/~mike/
1024D/8AA6EAFD 3861 96B3 EEA2 285C BE23  F706 3E1E EBB2 8AA6 EAFD

Attachment: ol2sanity.pl
Description: Perl program

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