lav2wav +p /xb/base/input-20011207-1948.avi | mp2enc -o audio.mp2
   INFO: Norm set to PAL
**ERROR: Error opening /xb/base/input-20011207-1948.avi: File too large
**ERROR: EOF in WAV header
**ERROR: failure reading WAV file

The program comes from a package which claims to have large file 
support, which I enabled at compilation:

mjpegtools-1.5-20011611$ ./configure --help | grep large
  --disable-large-file,             disable large file support (>2GB)

My question: is it the OS or the program's fault? If it means anything, 
other programs (all encoders) return a more generic "Could not open" 
error message. What puzzles me is that I was able to create the file 
thru another program (xawtv's streamer).

I'm running kernel 2.4.16 with libc6 (2.2.4-5). What do I need to do to 
eliminate this error? Any tips appreciated. The multi-GB file is 
desperately awaiting compression.


Sir Isaac Newton:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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