On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 20:36, Nicole Zimmerman wrote:
> I have created a bootable CD of a current working machine. I then use the
> bootable CD to 'expand' or 'apply' the image to another machine
using Ghost.
> When
> rebooting the second machine, it gives the Lilo error. In order to get it
> to work, I boot with a boot floppy and re-run Lilo on the machine.
> You know, I wonder if it's a problem with the lilo 'graphical' menu. I
> have not tried using the plain ol' LILO: prompt. 
> -nicole
Maybe. Another thing that crosses my mind; are you disk imaging or partition 
imaging. I can't imagine that you're doing partition imaging because I can't 
think of any way you could get as far as you have, but as I said, it's 
something that crossed my mind.

(Please forgive if this message comes out not wrapped or in HTML, etc;
I'm experimenting with a new setup and I haven't found all the
preferences yet.)


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