Yu, 2001-Dec-06 21:54 +0800: > When my x window starts,many terminal windows appears(about 6 or 7 ) > I have changed .xinitrc and Xsession just for locale setting (export > LANG=zh_TW.Big5 > export LC_ALL=zh_TW.Big5 > export XMODIFIER="@im=xcin") > Did I change any X setting to make it so curious? > How should I do to make it normal(don't appear any terminal window when > X start) > Thanks > I use woody,gnome 1.4
With Gnome, like other X managers, you can save an X session in a manner that will resume the next time you start X. So, you can start the X apps, save the session, and then the next time you start X, those same apps will automatically start. What you need to do is get the desktop set the way you want it at the start of X, and then save the session. To save the session, you should have the option as you log out, and there is also the ability to do it from the program launcher menu's under Settings or Utilities. It's been awhile since I used Gnome, so I'm having trouble remembering. good luck, jc -- Jeff Coppock Systems Engineer Diggin' Debian Admin and User