On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 08:45:13PM -0500, Stephen Gran wrote:
> Let's say I saw some behavior in one of programs, namely XMMS, and 
> wanted to file a bug.  Trying to not overload our hardworking maintainers, 
> I dutifully first checked with bugview xmms to see if someone had
> already filed a bug on this behavior.  It turns out that someone in
> fact has.  Great - now what I would like to do is append some input,
> so as to try and make their life easier.  Open a seperate bug, or tack
> it onto the existing one?  If, as I suspect, the latter, how?
> mailto:<some number>@bugs.debian.org, I'm guessing, but I turn humbly
> to the veterans of this list for guidance.

Add your extra information to the existing bug, by mailing


Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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