On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 01:21:31PM +0200, George Karaolides wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a clock application that can be used to show system time in a
> character-mode terminal?  There seem to be any number of them that can be
> used under X, but I can't find any that can be used in character mode.

Sounds like what you want is `vcstime`
...it's part of console-tools, so I'd be betting it's on your system already.
Check in /etc/console-tools/config for the option to turn it on on system

problems with vcstime?  .... because it's outputting to the display once pe
second, and the console will try to "scroll to bottom on output" (to use
the xterm option name) ... it makes it almost impossible to use the console
scrollback.  Also expect some strange overwriting when moving up and down
documents in less/vi/etc.

The only other alternative I've ever seriously used is a home-made shell
script ("timescreen") which would run `date` with various parameters,
and send the output via figlet, in various fonts. (this gives you a
clock that's readable across the room... I used to have this running
permenantly on my first screen window, and even once upon a time had it
loaded in inittab on one of my tty's.

(in conjunction with my own settermcol - a small shell to play with the
console vga palette - you could probably even do a xdaliclock-like fade of
colours. (but NOT the character morph... not while it's only a shell script

If you want a copy of my `timescreen` script, let me know and I'll clean
it up a bit and get a release out ;)


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