On Wednesday 05 December 2001 19:07, Michel Dänzer wrote:
> On Wed, 2001-12-05 at 11:00, Thomas Winischhofer wrote:
> > Under KDE 2.2.2, the box goes into suspend mode if
> >
> > - I don't use the keyboard and the touchpad but just the USB mouse
> > AND
> >
> > - I only MOVE the USB mouse during the suspend time-out (an do no
> > mouseclicks).
> >
> > It seems that either X or KDE don't take secondary mouse movements
> > into account for resetting the suspend time-out...?
> >
> > Can anyone confirm this?
> > Is this a KDE or X bug?
> Neither AFAICT. I don't see either having anything to do with APM
> suspend. I'd rather suspect apmd or the kernel APM code.

Do you know what process (or the BIOS?) is responsible for administer 
the suspend timeouts, ie. receiving mouse and keyboard events and 
resetting the timer for suspend at each one of these? If it's the BIOS 
- does KDE really re-program the BIOS settings when I set up a new 
time out under Power Control....? No offence, but I find that somewhat 
hard to believe...!

- The log says "user suspend" if i don't touch the touchpad and the 
keyboard for the time-out set up. Assume that wouldn'd be "_user_" if 
it was anything between the kernel and the BIOS.

- Under any other VT except 7 (X that is), the box doesn't wake up 
when I touch the touch pad.

- If it's apmd, I would assume that the time-outs can be configured 
somewhere... AFAICS there's no config file for that...? The only place 
I found to configure this was under KDE.



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