Right after I sent this I realized the answer was probably on debian.org.
Specifically, the Debian Developer's Reference Guide, section 5.6 http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-archive.en.html#s5.6 If I'm reading it correctly, once Woody is frozen, that only means that new packages (or new major versions of the same package) cannot be added, but that bugfixes to the existing package can be added. So, with PHP, new RC versions can be added as needed. Please let me know if that's an incorrect assumption. --kurt ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: beta software in debian releases? Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 16:01:58 -0800 From: Kurt Lieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org I did an apt-get upgrade the other day on one of my woody boxes and was surprised to see that PHP has been upgraded to 4.1.0RC2. Is it normal behavior to include beta software in testing? What happens if Woody gets frozen before 4.1.0 is released? Will Woody then be stuck with an RC version of PHP at release? --kurt -------------------------------------------------------