On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 11:37, Timo Boewing wrote:
> >> There are : vlc and xine DVD players.
> Hi Chris,
> there is also ogle. I also tried vlc and xine, but i got the best 
> results with ogle. why? vlc suffered from hangings and segfaults on my 
> system, and later on i never could get acceleration to work (e.g. via 
> libsdl). Xine did also some "pumping", but ogle just rocks:
> - fluid motion
> - supports DVD menues!
> please take a look at it, for me i wished i would have used it as the 
> first one.

Ogle also has issues.  In its favor, it supports DVD menus and can play
through DVD dicontinuities without pauses.  It also has AltiVec
acceleration.  Xine doesn't have any of the above.  But, Xine's video
playback is actually better.  Xine delivers each frame at a steady
interval.  Ogle delivers 24 frames per second, but the interval between
frames varies.  This gives the impression of dropped frames when in fact
none are being dropped.

Watch the first chapter of "The Matrix" with Xine and then with Ogle. 
Notice the shot where the camera pans down the sign for the "Heart o'
the City Hotel".  In Xine this shot is very smooth, but in Ogle this
shot jerks and stutters.  Neither player is dropping frames.

If you are running on a PC, I recommend trying VideoLAN to see if it
works.  If it does, stick with that.  Next I would try Xine. 
Unfortunately, you will need a variety of poorly written software to
play actual DVDs with Xine.  The DVDNav plugin for Xine almost works but
is very, very slow.  The DMD plugin sort of works but can't deal with
discontinuities (cf: The Matrix) and for some reason takes upwards of
one minute to start playing.  Neither of these plugins will allow you to
navigate chapters and titles easily.

If all that fails, go for Ogle.  It works, but you will be sacrificing
visual quality.


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