I'm curious if you're getting confused with it adding new hosts to the
known_hots file not the authorized_keys file... I've yet to see an sshd process
in Debian (or any system for that matter) that automatically touched the
authorized_keys file... That file has always had to be created by me personally
using the public key file (*.pub) that I want'd to make authorized... 


On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 10:04:11AM -0800, linux learner wrote:
> hi all,
> i just started using sshd on my two debian boxes at
> home. 
> i understand that i can log into any computer that has
> my public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 
> but when i log into my computer running sshd it
> automatically adds me to the authorized_keys list for
> that user. How do i turn it off?
> Also, what is the function of private key locking pass
> phrase? 
> Say i am physically logged into my home account and my
> pub and private keys are in ~/.ssh/ now when i log
> into a remote host, i give my log in and password on
> the remote host and it logs me in and if my public key
> isn?t there in authorized_keys list it is added, my
> private key pass phrase is never asked, is this
> normal?
> thanks for the patience n everything!
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