On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 04:09:18PM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote:
| Karsten M. Self wrote:
| > I've just done a nightly upgrade on Sid.
| I, too.

I've got woody, so my stuff is a little older.

| > File permissions on /dev/pts (I'm using the devfs 2.4 kernel /dev
| > filesystem, not the more traditional /dev filesystem):
| > 
| >     drw-rw----    1 root     tape            0 Dec 31  1969 /dev/pts
| > 
| > ...the use of the "tape" group strikes me as odd.
| No kidding.
| > Someone got the proper UID/GID combination and access modes for this
| > directory?
| Mine is owned by root.tty (GID 5), with mode 0755.

Mine says :

$ ls -ld /dev/pts
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            0 Dec 31  1969 /dev/pts/

| > Any thoughts on the package(s) that have changed perms?  Only reference
| > I can find to /dev/pts is /var/lib/dpkg/info/xterm.config, but it
| > doesn't 

I'd guess devfsd.  If it's not its fault, it can still fix it easily

| > I'm also running devfsd (this is a compatibility daemon which makes it
| > appear as if old-style 'dev' files still exist), among config files in
| > /etc/devfsd, I find:
| > 
| >     ./devfsd.conf:REGISTER  ^pts/.*         PERMISSIONS -1.tty 0600
| I also run devfsd. Here's the relevant lines from my /etc/devfs/perms:
| REGISTER ^pts$ PERMISSIONS root.tty 0755
| REGISTER ^pty[^/]*$ PERMISSIONS root.tty 0666
| And from /etc/devfs/devfsd.conf:
| REGISTER ^pts/.* PERMISSIONS -1.tty 0600

Here's what I've got

$ grep -r "pt[sy]" /etc/devfs
/etc/devfs/perms:REGISTER ^pty[^/]*$ PERMISSIONS root.tty 0666
/etc/devfs/devfsd.conf:REGISTER ^pts/.*     PERMISSIONS -1.tty 0600
/etc/devfs/compat_symlinks:#REGISTER    ^pty/.*     MKOLDCOMPAT
/etc/devfs/compat_symlinks:#UNREGISTER  ^pty/.*     RMOLDCOMPAT

I find it quite interesting that the permissions listed in the devfsd
configuration don't match the actual configuration.  Maybe something
in init changes it after devfsd starts up?



For society, it's probably a good thing that engineers value function
over appearance.  For example, you wouldn't want engineers to build
nuclear power plants that only _look_ like they would keep all the
radiation inside.
    (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

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