On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 12:57:19PM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote: | From reading about xinetd lately, I thought I'd like to try using it | instead of the traditional inetd. | | However, I find that the netbase package, on which almost all networking | software seems to depend, even if only indirectly, depends on | netkit-inetd. So it seems to be impossible to remove inetd without lying | to the package system, which I strongly dislike doing. Am I right about | this? | | Since xinetd doesn't actually conflict with inetd, I suppose I could | simply have both installed, and find some way to disable inetd. What's | the best way to do that? My usual trick in the past has been to put | "exit 0" at the top of the appropriate /etc/init.d script, which | probably isn't ideal.
Haha, this is funny -- your usual trick is _exactly_ what the xinetd package does. (actually, I think it just moves the original init script aside and inserts its own dummy with the "exit 0" trick) (BTW, inetd was part of the netbase package up until the other day). | Also, if I install a package for a service that wants to run from inetd, | presumably its install script will add a line to /etc/inetd.conf. How | likely is it that such a package will know what to do to configure | xinetd? If the answer to this is "Not likely at all,", then I'll | probably just stick with inetd... The package usually prints out a message to the effect of "I put this in inetd.conf, you need to put it in xinetd.conf". That doesn't occur often (for me) nor is it difficult to do. Alternatively if you want to mainatin inetd.conf you can use the script that converts to xinetd.conf automatically. (the problem with doing this after xinetd.conf exists is it would destroy any changes you made to it since the previous conversion) -D -- If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His Word has no place in our lives. I John 1:10