On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 12:34:04AM -0500, Federico Grau wrote:
| Hello, 
| I am unable to compile programs against wxWindows.  Does anybody have any
| advice on what the problem might be?

| My c++ compiler is g++ 3.2.

Are you sure?  (see below)

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/wxhell/dialogs$ make
| gcc -c `wx-config --cflags` -o dialogs.o dialogs.cpp
| gcc -o dialogs dialogs.o `wx-config --libs`
| dialogs.o(.text+0xc): In function `wxCreateApp()':
| : undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned)'

C++ defines the operator "new" (and "delete", error snipped).  C
doesn't.  Since you used
    $ gcc
instead of
    $ g++
you get errors like that.

I just installed version 2.2, the makefile(s) in the examples are
hosed.  In addition, the C++ isn't quite standards compliant -- g++
3.2 yields lots of errors while compiling one of the examples.  For
'bombs', the following command worked for me :
    $ g++-2.95 -o bombs *.cpp `wx-config --cflags` `wx-config --libs`

I see that version 2.4 is in sid ... it works fine with g++ 3.2.

You have two options :
    1)  Use wxgtk 2.2 and g++ 2.95 and build the examples with "make CC=g++"
    2)  Use wxgtk 2.4 and g++ 3.2

(btw, some of the examples appear to be broken anyways, but some of
them work)


"...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user' as
meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver."
    --Daniel Pead

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