xeno wrote: >Johnny Ernst Nielsen wrote: >> >2. Is there a painless place to get ahold of this jdk-118 thingy? I try >> >> >the internet address given, and it puts me somewhere which is >> >bewildering, and I haven't found the download page yet. >> >> Do you mean a java development kit (jdk) or a java runtime environment (jre)? >> >I mean: > > ibm-jdk-l118-linux-x86.tgz > >which apt-get install kdebase says I have to download separately, but >which >isn't very easily findable.
I'm actually surprised that the kdebase install would look for a tarball. When I installed kdebase, I already have the Java 2 SDK deb package (from Blackdown) installed, which provides a java runtime environment. Didn't look for a tarball. I think you need to install a jdk package first before you install kdebase (or a dummy package just to satisfy dependencies, should you not have a java compiler in hand). the only time the package manager looked for an archive was when I tried to install the j2sdk1_3-doc package (which only installs the official documentation from the Java web site by unzipping the contents of the zip file to their proper places). Paolo Falcone __________________________________ www.edsamail.com