On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 09:23:52PM -0400, cmasters wrote:
| Greetings,
| Now that I have my printer running properly, I'm trying to tackle the
| problem of mail delivery. I've installed fetchmail, procmail, and exim, but
| I have yet to make them interact properly. For the moment I am using
| ~getmail~ (a fetchmail replacement) to poll my ISP and deliver my mail in a
| timely manner. I then read it from mutt and can send (obviously).
| I'd like to be able to use the benefits of procmail though, so I thought I'd
| get some clarification on the actual process involved. This is what I
| understand would happen:
| 1. fetchmail (currently getmail) retrieves mail from ISP and hold it locally

fetchmail hands it off to your local MDA.  I set that to
"/usr/sbin/exim %T" in my .fetchmailrc file.

exim is configured (by default I believe) to deliver to
/var/spool/mail/<username> or via procmail if $HOME/.procmailrc

| 2. procmail ~should~ then sort it according to recipes that I write
| 3. mutt reads the mail from any and ~all~ folders / mbox's that have been
| effected by the sorting
| My difficulty is that the few times I have tested fetchmail, it retrieves
| and then deletes ~all~ mail not expressly addressed to
| "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". This means that mail from lists (including this one)
| is dropped before I am able to read it. It doesn't remain on my ISP's
| server, it just get dropped. I had thought that directing fetchmail to refer
| to procmail (ala the mda command) that sorting (~any~ pre-read deletion)
| would be done through procmail.

Could there be a problem with your procmail recipes?  Is there stuff
landing in /var/spool/mail/<username> and you aren't noticing?  What
happens if you put a single rule in .procmailrc that says :

* ^.*

?  Do you get all messages dropped into that folder?



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