On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 02:11:01PM -0600, Chad C.Walstrom wrote:
| On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 09:33:46AM -0000, madhu wrote:
| > 
| > [EMAIL PROTECTED] blah]# > /var/lib/mailman/data will empty the file. 
| Ack...  You know what it is.  Circular directory references!  Ugh.
| There's a bunch of them all over the partition.  How do I get rid of
| them?

ls -ld

to find out which is a symlink and which is a real directory, then
remove the symlinks (if you really don't want them).

It is not possible to have a hard link to a directory, so they must be



A)bort, R)etry, D)o it right this time

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