On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 10:12:17AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I' running woody with a 2.4.3 kernel.  I have the usb stuff compiled
| in the kernel.  According to the boot up messages it recognizes the
| usb weel mouse.  set it as usb1:2.0
| But when I configure X for /dev/usbmouse 
| It says there is no such device.
| I've looked under /dev and it is there.
| What am I missing, or is there a way to check if the mouse is
| actually under /dev/usbmouse?

Are you using devfs?  I am, and with a USB mouse I get the following
device files :

    always :

            # this file gives data from _all_
            # connected mice, eg if you have 2 usb mice attached

    only when the mouse is plugged in :

            # this gives data from only the first mouse

If you unplug the mouse and reinsert it, do you get messages about the
device disconnecting and then connecting?

What happens if you try

    cat /dev/<file>

and move the mouse around?  You should get junk printed on the screen.



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    --Doug Gwyn  (22/Jun/91 in comp.unix.wizards)

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