COLPAERT, Koen wrote:

>Although I'm not completely new to linux I still have problems with >the 
>spartan setup procedure that comes with Debian. I tried Storm >Linux in the 
>past and now I'm going to try out Progeny and Libranet. >So I have 2 questions:

>   * why is it that the Debain-based distro's like Storm and Progeny
>     don't succeed?

    For Storm - it's an economic problem that worsened to a point
wherein they can't hold on.
    For Progeny - they found out that it's better to contribute to
the main effort at the Debian Project (with Woody) rather than
forking the Debian Testing tree to make their own.
>   * why aren't their installers included in the regular Debian?

    I'm not sure, but some Debian maintainer might still have them.
    It's not sure if they'd work seemlessly (Progeny's installer
    still has some some glitches with their own distro, but I think
    that's negligible).

Well, you can try going for apt-get (but you need to know exactly
the package you're looking for). Or the tasksel program (quite
helpful and more general in nature). There are some other installers
that come in the mainstream distro. But dselect's probably the best.
(though apt-get installs are leaner, being less strict with
recommends). It's actually more beneficial that way - you get to
install only exactly what you need.

Paolo Falcone


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