>I have managed to get ppp compiled and installed with the kernel 
>modules, however, when I run pppd nothing happens! I have got it 
>installed (so I think) and there is nothing being written to /var/log/messages.
>Firstly I build and compiled the kernel with ppp support and booted 
>it. I then set up PPP from the tarball, then:
>make install
>I have then done a:
>mknod /dev/ppp c 180 0
>I have also edited my /etc/ppp/options file and edited my /etc/ppp/chap-
>secrets and /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

some tips (if you might have not checked it...)

1.) check if your pppd works with your kernel. 2.4.x kernels need
the 2.4.x ppp daemon.
2.) if you're using the pon/poff wrappers, you need to write a
chatscript in /etc/chatscripts
3.) check if your modem isn't a crap winmodem (though some are
already supported given some hacks, fixes and kernel modules, it's
much better using an external one, being able to lessen the
CPU stress caused by a winmodem's S/W emulation of supposedly H/W
4.) check again your kernel module configs if you built the
necessary modules you may need (aside from ppp support, like async or
sync support, compression, etc...)
5.) aside from the chatscripts, if you use pon/poff, you may also
need to make your connection name's config in /etc/ppp/peers.
6.) run a sample test chatscript and see if pppd now works.
7.) it's better running debian the debian way. given that you have
your pppd version to go right with your kernel, better stick with
debian's pppconfig and pon/poff wrappers that comes with the ppp and
pppconfig debian packages, respectively. It will build almost all
the other things you may need (like the file configs, etc...)

Paolo Falcone


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