i am hosting some users databases and i need to impose quota (not
quotas, not quotae) on their databases. postgresql does not implement
those, and storing the database as the user doesn't really work[1].

i can't find a way to have postgres tell me the size of a database, so
there is always the du -sh <dbdir> option, which is definitely
feasible, but it's only an informational quotum, not an enforcing one,
so it would require me to monitor and take action as appropriate. i
would *really* like to automate that. do you have any ideas?


(what's the accepted standard for squashing such long urls into 72
 chars/line emails? splitting them will result in tools like urlview
 not working...)

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
qvid me anxivs svm?

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