Exactly right (i got confused).  I don't have rsh-server installed.  I
do have ssh-nonfree installed, though.  I installed that quite a while
ago and then it seems like ssh stuff got removed from the distribution i
had installed then.  Can someone provide a synopsis of what the story
with ssh was, where it stands now, and what the best debianized ssh
package to use is?

Also, does any ssh version have the capability of "falling-back" to
rlogin compatibility?  (I doubt it but it would be nice. . . and
potentially insecure of course).  My main quandary is that i'm working
on an internal network where i don't at all need ssh.  Sometimes (when
going external), i do, though.

Frederico.S.Muñoz wrote:
> --
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: craig duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: segunda-feira, 26 de Novembro de 2001 16:15
> > To: Frederico.S.Muñoz
> > Cc: debian-user
> > Subject: Re: BSD inet services?
> >
> >
> > I already have rsh-client package installed, which provides rsh, rcp &
> > rlogin.
> > That's a thought, though.  I'll take a look at the postinstall script
> > and see
> > if reconfiguring is all that's needed.
> >
> >
> Well... if you only need the clients in that box than there is no need for
> further configuration;
> only if you need to allow r-services from other boxes to that one will you
> need the rlogin server (and the
> apropriate entries in init and inetd.conf created by the script)
> cheers,

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