on Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 10:12:56AM -0800, Greg Wiley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Good day!
> I need to set up an organizational web site that will have some
> characteristics of a weblog (for editorial and news) and some of a
> group site ( shared calendar and contacts, etc.) .  I will need to
> develop some specialized applications over time.  This is for a church
> so it will have some public functionality and some internal, protected
> functionality.
> My goals include extensibility, low operational maintenance, and
> Debian compatibility.
> I have looked at several content management systems for a basis and
> wonder what Deb users' experiences are.  Some notes on the research so
> far:
>  - I started installing Slash and found that it requires mods to
>    Debian-installed components.  It also appears to be a resource hog.
>  - PHP-Nuke seems good except I am concerned about the tight coupling
>    of logic/presentation and how it will affect extensibility and the
>    resultant code maintenance.
>  - Zope and Zope CMF are also interesting, particularly as they are
>    Deb packages and are built for extensibility.  My only concern is
>    that I haven't seen any Z-CMF examples, including the dog bowl,
>    that really connect to what I am doing.

Some perspective to add to your search.

Slash code is widely reviled...but it works for Slashdot.  Apparently
it's being largely rewritten.  I'd probably vote against it.

PHP-Nuke's got some useful features <cough>stolen</cough> from a project
I've some familarity with...but they're the right features to steal.
There are those who'll tell you PHP's not a real language.  It's had
some pretty glaring security issues.  

Pro:  seems to have a nice feature set.  Fairly popular for new
forum sites.  

Con:  how do you feel about PHP?

I've had a hand in designing Scoop, which runs Kuro5hin.org (currently
offline due to a colo issue), see also http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/.  It's
extensible, currently serves ~100k pages/day off a 4x PII XEON box.  Ran
off of Rusty's workstation for about the first six months of K5's

Pro:  Modular.  Good performance.  Active development.  Nice featureset.
Actively used in projects similar to yours.
Con:  Perl.  Rusty doesn't listen to all my suggestions ;-)

I'm also part of a community that's now running on a Zope forum pretty
much thrown together in a few days by a friend.   Don't ask about the
layout, but it serves a few hundred registered users about 6,000 pages
per day:


Pro:  Modular, quick development.  Python -- tends to lead to clean,
reusable code.
Con:  Possible performance issues.  Some funkiness in the HTML built-in

> Since all the solutions require a considerable time investment
> for research and implementation, I am just looking for some
> pre-advice before I get too far down any particular road.

The good news is that _all of these options work_.  You're going to have
a working site whichever way you go.  I seriously doubt your church will
stress the capacity of any of the systems listed.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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