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On Sunday 25 November 2001 08:25 pm, jennyw wrote:
> I reinstalled Debian 2.2. After installing the base system, it
> rebooted fine to finish the rest of the install. I logged in and used
> it for a bit then decided to reboot again. This time it hung after
> showing "LIL-". I asked on #debian on IRC and folks said this meant I
> had a bad LILO MBR. Someone suggested that I try typing "rescue
> root=/dev/hda1" at the boot:  prompt. I tried this booting off of the
> install CD and it ended up loading my Debian install just fine, but
> it doesn't seem to fix the problem when I reboot.
> I then booted off a boot floppy and tried to run lilo. It said that
> there was no lilo.conf file. I did a search on the filesystem for
> lilo.conf and there is no file anywhere ... At this point I'm
> reinstalling (again!), but I'd like to know how to fix this problem
> for the future.
> Thanks!
> Jen

You could  'dpkg-reconfigure lilo' , I think if you don't have a 
lilo.conf file it will generate one. 
- -- 
Greg Madden

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