----- Forwarded message from root <root> -----

The following excerpt from system logs has me puzzled. As you can see
Sendmail is attempting to verify my domain name from (what I assume is) a
DNS server. The truly puzzling thing is that I expressly ~unchose~ DNS
queries when setting up Sendmail, in addition to the fact that my ISP's DNS
servers are in the 192.168.254.x range.

Could someone please advise how to modify the behaviour of Sendmail so that
I can look forward to no more of these messages? I have attempted to RFM,
but have no idea in which section of the man pages or other docs I should
look. In addition, how can I set the time interval for activity to a longer
period than 10min?


C. Masters

--- Log message excerpt follows ----

Security Violations
Nov 25 21:02:09 LINUXBOX sendmail[3432]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
Nov 25 21:05:02 LINUXBOX sendmail[3441]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
Nov 25 21:15:02 LINUXBOX sendmail[3447]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1
Nov 25 21:25:02 LINUXBOX sendmail[3453]: gethostbyaddr( failed: 1

                ^^^^^^ this is my alias for my system

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