on Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 10:00:11PM -0500, Carl Fink ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 06:51:16PM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > ... I'd prefer a modularized, single-app approach to the monolithic
> > design of OpenOffice.
> Actually I understand OpenOffice is decomposing the monolithic
> StarOffice 5x model into single apps.

Not for a couple of major revs, at least at the binary level.  I saw a
presentation by the SO team at SVLUG a couple months back.

In OO and SO 6, the integrated desktop's gone.  However, there's a
single monolithic binary, with shell scripts which can invoke it in
various "flavors" (why they don't take the symlink route and test 
$( basename $0 ) I don't know).

There's some interesting stuff being done with demand-loaded libraries,
which essentially means that the application doesn't load a library
until its needed.  If this design progresses far enough, the app doesn't
really need to be split -- the objective is acceptable performance and
footprint, how you get there is largely immaterial.  However, I suspect
that the tack being taken won't be as fruitful as a seperated
application approach.  Though I could be wrong.

The other useful thing for the StarOffice / OpenOffice team to do would
be to put their fonts under X rather than seperated out for StarOffice

Whew!  A whole post on this topic and I didn't say "StarOffice, that
bloated stuck pig of an office suite" once.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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