>> Are you installing Woody to help out with testing?
>> If not, you should install Potato in stead (Debian GNU/Linux version 

>> 2.2 revision 4) which is the latest stable Debian release.
>We've kind of been through this before.  Potato is now old enough that it's

>in the process of becoming un-useful for a workstation.  (Doesn't support

>modern hardware, doesn't include recent software.)  

Yes-yes, that is probably why my 4 months old workstation system runs Potato
just fine.
My point is that the original poster has two problems, but he never suggested
what kind of system he was trying to install AND his headline lead me to
beleive that he was not quite sure about the versioning and status of the
different Debian distributions.

So, I assumed he was going for an ordinary workstation since he had troubles
with X in general.

You can say what you want, but Potato still works fine if what you want is
just to write some letters and send some e-mail.

Sure if you want the newest stuff Woddy could be a solution.
I was just warning the guy. It was meant as a helping hand.
I hope that is OK.

Cheers :o)

Johnny :o)

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