On Thursday 22 November 2001 08:40, John Griffiths wrote:
> At 06:10 PM 11/21/01 -0600, DvB wrote:
> >Matt Fair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> can this list block the email [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???
> >> all they are sending is viruses.
> >> Matt
> >
> >I finally got around to looking up how the gnus killfile works in
> > order to get rid of this junk.
> >I'm sure you can do the same with filters under Evolution...
> That's not really the point, this junk is still pouring dangerous
> files out from the debian servers, and has to be downlaoded before it
> can be filtered.
> Plus I already have so many filters it's slowing me down

I agree with the dangerous and slowing down part. But, no, you don't 
have to download the whole junk. Just the headers. I received this tip 
from this list some months back about the use of programs like 
mailfilter and popsneaker that can delete emails using header-based 
Sir Isaac Newton:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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