On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 09:01:35AM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> One of my potato + progeny machies seems to heve elvis as the default for
> vi. After a few days of being anoyed by it's aberent non standard behabior,
> I'm ready to change to something else (vim perhaps ?0 ( or the real thing
> if the FreebSD vi has been ported). In any case, how do I change the
> default vi on this machine?

The "standard" vi in *BSD is nvi, which has been available for just about
any/every *nix variant for forever.  And is in stable/testing/unstable,

How many vi's do you have installed?  elvis-tiny is the Debian *default*
vi.  Install any of the other ones in its place if you want something

Marc Wilson

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