On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 11:36:12AM -0600, madhombre wrote:
> I found out about sendmail.cf
> I even installed procmail!!
> Why do the messages all go into one file and not into 1 file per message???
> This is driving me nuts!

You really need to send a more specific message to get effective help.
For example, you might say that your mail is being delivered to one file
(as opposed to log messages or something).
Also, include how you are invoking procmail (.forward file?), and the
contents of your .procmailrc file.  
Is sendmail configured to use .forward files?

and so on.

Standard unix mail practice uses the mbox format, which puts all mail in
one file.  procmail is often used to sort mail into a few different
files depending on content (ex. all mail from debian-user goes into the
debian file, all other mail goes into the default mail location (you can
often find out what this is easily by running "echo $MAIL").

Maildir is the name of the mail box format that puts each message in a
different file within your mail folder.  Can you configure sendmail to
use maildirs?  probably.  I have no idea how though, or even if that's
what you want.  

You say that all your messages are going into one file, but is that
really a problem?  Usually not; it depends on what you are trying to do
with it.  I don't know of any mail clients that can't read mbox format,
so your mail program will sort it all out for you.  Common MUAs (Mail
User Agents) include pine, mutt, mail, mh, gnus, evolution, kmail, ...

Take your pick.


Ben Hartshorne  ...Discarding smoothly, as we disembark,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] All thoughts that held us wiser for a moment
ben.hartshorne.net Up there, alone, in the impartial dark. -M. Oliver
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