well,i can connect manually from here,a
194.102.92.x ip..
the pop3 server is on 194.102.92. class,the
dialup clients are on 217.156.43.x class.
i have noticed that i cant reverse domains on our
leased line clients with servers on the 217
so,there is no firewall,like all that we changed
is the dialup ips..like from 194.102.92.x to

--- "Jeremy C. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Petre Daniel wrote:
> > Well i am speaking for a mate that has a
> small
> > isp but doesnt like internet so much :p
> ?
> > He changed the ip class of the dialapers from
> a
> > 194.102.92.x to a 217.156.43.x and now it
> seems
> > that they cant access the mail anymore..
> We need more info.
> Show us that it doesn't work.
> Can you connect to the POP3 server manually?
> Did the DNS get updated?
> Do you have firewall or TCP Wrapper rules
> blocking that range?
> > what is the problem? where exactly should he
> > look?
> We can't guess -- you need to look at many
> things.
> > in pop3 configuration or radius?
> Does their internet connections work? Then
> probably Radius works. (If not,
> did they change the IPs that were assigned
> correctly?)
>   Jeremy C. Reed
>   http://www.reedmedia.net/
>   http://bsd.reedmedia.net/  -- BSD news and
> resources
>   http://www.isp-faq.com/    -- find answers to
> your questions
> -- 
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