looks good.read about the ac97 chip..but its not
a problem.and wipeeeee the goddam windowwwws :p

--- Micah and Jerusha Coward
> I am thinking about buying a computer to
> install Debian 2.2 R4. The computer that i am
> looking at is set up as follows 
> Intel 1.1 GHz Celeron with 128k cache
> 128Mb 133MHz SDRAM
> 1.44MB 3.5" Floppy Drive
> 48X Max CD-ROM
> 20GB ATA-100 Hard Drive
> Integrated ULTRA ATA-100 Controller
> Integrated AC97 audio system
> Integrated Intel Pro/100 VE network adapter
> Integrated Intel AGP 3D graphics
> Compaq S720 17" color monitor
> Slots: 3 PCI 1 AGP
> Ports: Parallel, serial, two USB, Mouse,
> Keyboard, line in, line out, microphone 
> 145W power supply 
> I feel pretty confident about everything except
> for the integrated componets. The system comes
> with Win 98 installed but the plane is to wipe
> Win 98 out so the machine will be running
> debian Linux only. I have been through the
> compatability how-to's but I wanted someone
> that is knowlegable with Linux to look at the
> set up and give me their perspective so that i
> won't be just wasting my money. I appreciate
> any time that someone will take to help me out.
> Thanks 
> Mike

Leather Rebel,lightning in the dark
   Leather Rebel,with a burning heart

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