Hello,i tried the vtgrab package and didn't suceeded much in supervising other consoles. Well,i have several computers,linux gateways to small lans,and the ppl that sit on them aren't specialized for the root job,so i must know almost all the time what is happening there. I am wondering what tools are to inform me remotely somehow when and what they are doing when they're logging in as root. Btw,how can i mail each 5 or so minutes the .bash_history of root and send it to my central mail.? i am thinking in installing snort everywhere,but then how do i grep through the logs and send the attacks to me..? Well,this is my problem,how can i know somehow summarized what's hapening on those boxes..? i am not that good at shell programming so..all help it will be appreciated. Thx, Dani.
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