I've tried using pppconfig and it all seems very straightforward. But
it's not working. From the W****w's partition I can pick up the server
ip address and that the modem is on COM3 / ttyS2. What's the 'default
gateway' and where do I enter that info? What else could be wrong? Maybe
the Debian partition isn't picking up the (internal) modem - how can I
check this out and correct it if it is a problem? Any other ideas?

nate wrote:
> Simon R Tod said:
> > I have acquired a username, password and phone number for a local
> > isp and am having trouble setting up a dial-up connection. I've
> > been trying to use the default PPP utility that comes with GNOME
> > but it seems to want lots additional information I don't know how
> > to provide.
> > Any help much appreciated.
> try using the pppconfig utility and use pon/poff to logon.
> at least using that you can login/out of X all day long
> and never lose your connection(haven't used that particular
> util but if its like most X based dialup utils you'll lose
> the connect if you restart X or logout)
> also reccomend getting nameserver ips for your ISP and
> default gateway if needed. if the isp can't tell you
> nameserver ips(maybe their support is full of idiots)
> you can usually do a WHOIS on their domain(whois domain.com)
> and get the IPs from that. the PPP subsystem will
> attempt to get DNS and gateway information from the
> remote terminal server if possible, but not all systems
> provide that info(i haven't used one that didn't provide
> that info in at least 5 years ..)
> nate
> --
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