On Tue, 2001-11-20 at 16:10, Brendan J Simon wrote: > > I have a few users on a LAN connected to an ISP via a permanent dial up > connection. Some messages with large attachments never get through to a > user is the USA (I'm in Australia). I'm thinking that there may be some > outs coming into play due to the slow dial up connection. I assume the > exim mail agent is talking directly to the SMTP server in the USA. What > I would prefer to do is send the email to my ISPs SMTP server and have > it forward it on to the USA user. This should help dramatically if it > is a time out problem and seems a smarter thing to do in general. > > I've read the exim docs and configuration file but can't see how to > configure this. Can this be done and how do I do it ???
Brendan there is an exim-users mailing list. And it contains huge threads answering your question: http://www.exim.org/mailman/listinfo/exim-users If you can't resolve the problem here that's the place to ask. Here is the archives: http://www.exim.org/pipermail/exim-users/ Typing ISP into the search box I found this: [Exim] Relaying at ISP SMTP http://www.exim.org/mailman/htdig/exim-users/Week-of-Mon-20011112/032230.html And this one: [EXIM] Directing all the mail to my ISP http://www.exim.org/mailman/htdig/exim-users/Week-of-Mon-19971117/005532.html The Exim documentation available on-site is quite comprehensive as well. Regards, Adam