| -----Original Message-----
| From: nate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: 17 November 2001 19:54
| Randy Orrison said:
| > I'm a relative newbie to Linux and Debian (though in a former life
| > I was a Unix sysadmin).  I've installed potato r3, upgraded to
| > 2.2r4, and had my pppd working fine, dialling out on demand at
| try running a network sniffer like iptraf, keep it
| up and watch the packets..then use lsof or fuser
| to try to map the ports to the program(s) that
| are trying to use the connection.

Great stuff, thanks!  I'm running iptraf now, and watching my son looking at
a London Underground website...  when he's off I'll be able to watch for the
stuff I'm interested in.  I'll let you know how it goes.

| or firewall the box and have the firewall log the
| packets.

The computer in question _is_ the firewall :-).

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