>From `man chmod` (text may be different, I'm on my OS X laptop atm): --- The perm symbols represent the portions of the mode bits as follows: [...] s The set-user-ID-on-execution and set-group-ID-on-execution bits. ---
What you have found is a set UID executable file (possibly a script or something?). To get rid of the setuid bit, chmod it to something else. Maybe `chmod u-s <file>` would be a place to start. Manpages are your friend. -nicole At 15:42 on Nov 17, Rafe B. combined all the right letters to say: > A certain text file has become un-editable > and "invisible" to 'cat.' > > Doing 'ls -al' on this file reveals that it > has attribute 's' in the permissions string, > eg: > > srwxr-xr-x > > The 's' is in the position that you'd normally > find a 'd' or a hyphen. > > None of my manuals talk about this particular > attribute. What does it mean, and more > importantly, how do I get rid of it?? > > Thanks in advance.... > > > > rafe b. > > > >