* Mark Seven Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Someone recently pointed me towards eBay regarding my video 
> card delimma; but when I considered the matter, what I 
> *really* want, is a LAPTOP, than I can use from bed (i have 
> some health difficulties) for learning Linux, and doing a 
> lot of paperless reading...
> What sort of a laptop should I look for, in terms of what 
> is really compatible with Linux, and especially DEBIAN?
> There are decent offers for IBM ThinkPads, for instance 
> (Such as an offer for an "IBM Thinkpad 560X, P233, 24XCD, 
> 96MB, 4GB,56k", $113.50 (two of 'em like this)).
> Suggestions?
> TIA,

  Toshiba Portege 660CDT runs it perfectly here. You really should check
out the http://www.linux-laptop.net/ though. It should answer 
your questions for almost any laptop under the sun. By the way, where
do people get a hold of laptops at such prices as you listed. I think I
saw one like that for $300 or more.


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