Michael P. Soulier wrote:

> Does anyone know how to manage tabs properly in text mode? I hit the
> tab in various places, and I get different indents every time. Also,
> sometimes I seem to get an auto-indent effect when the line wraps, and
> sometimes I don't. 
>         This indent is huge. I hit tab once. At another time I might
>         get 4 spaces instead of eight. I want 4 consistently, and I
>         thought that was what I set in my .emacs file. Note the
>         auto-indent here. 

It depends what mode you're in. Different modes may treat tabs quite

In general, the variable "tab-width" controls the distance from one tab
stop to the next. Note that it is always buffer-local, so if you want it
to be global, you'll have to make a function that sets it and add that
function to find-file-hooks, like this:

  (add-hook 'find-file-hooks (function (lambda () (setq tab-width 4))))


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