"Karsten M. Self" <kmself@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> I'm getting problems with 404 codes on apt-get dist-upgrade or install
> attempts, in particular, from http.us.debian.org.

I have been noticing this too over the last 2-3 weeks.  It started about
the time I started using the "preferences" file in apt-get to allow me
to grab and update some stuff from "unstable" on my "testing" install
here (KDE, Mozilla).  Usually, apt-get update will complete just fine
without any errors, BUT when I do the apt-get upgrade, I get these
errors.  They are always on the "unstable" tree...never on "testing", as
best I recall.  If I specify a particular upgrade from "unstable" then
it finds the file and works.  I have attributed it to something wrong in
the way apt-get handles the "preferences" code, but I dunno for sure. It
could be something on the other end, like the site being transiently
down for file updates, etc. About half the time, it works OK for me. I
am using the http.us.debian.org site as well...

-Don Spoon-

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