[15:50:16 tmp]$ cat main.cc
#include <hash_map>

int main(void)
    return 0;

[15:50:23 tmp]$ g++-3.0 -Wall -ggdb -o main main.cc
main.cc:1:20: hash_map: No such file or directory
[15:50:27 tmp]$ wc /usr/include/g++-3/hash_map
     40     198    1330 /usr/include/g++-3/hash_map
[15:51:39 tmp]$ 

Is this reproducible by others? The distro is testing.

It does compile cleanly when replacing <hash_map> with <map> or with 


    Shaul Karl
    email: shaulka (replace these parenthesis with @) bezeqint,
           delete the comma and the white space characters and add .net

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