Please cc: answers, I have not access to my regular pc right now. I am a debian developer (tca), so if you give advise that you thing will succeed, please attach some bug numbers to missing man pages or anything other booring stuff I can to for you. (I cannot sign the message since I'm not on a trusted machine.)
I tried to install a OS called 2000 something along with debian to help port GNU Solfege. The bootloader is grub. Anyway, after formatting the first partion from fat32 to ntfs, and rebooting after the install process hang for 10 minutes, the partion table is corrupted. Luckily I have a printout for it, so I know the exact cylinder each partion start and end. The hope is that only the partion table and the first 5 Gig that was formatted ntfs are touched. I don't know this yet. The question is, if I run fdisk to redefine the partion table (from a bootable potato cd), will fdisk only touch the sectors where the partion table is installed, or will it wipe out the data on the partions as well. The hope is to be able to recover data. -- _______________________________________________ Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at 1 cent a minute calls anywhere in the U.S.!