I am getting this a lot as well.

My primary source is the local mirror which takes longer to update than the
servers under http://http.us.debian.org

My feeling for this is that the index files are uploaded before the actual
package files. This would mean that when you do an update you end up with
pointers to files that are yet to be uploaded to the servers.

I have not analysed it enough to be able to provide proof, and as such have
not put together a bug report.

Sometimes I get pointed to different servers under http://http.us.debian.org
some of which give better results than others. Assumedly these servers are
updated earlier in the mirror distribution cycle


Karsten said with exemplary erudtion even if the txt was in a mime

I'm getting problems with 404 codes on apt-get dist-upgrade or install
attempts, in particular, from http.us.debian.org.


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