hi debian users i have a problem with NFS :
i have the domaine 'foo' on B,C and D computer i would like to export a repertory to all the domain. So on each /etc/exports file i write : for B : /share *.foo for C : /usr/local/share *.foo for D : /home/divers *.foo i want to mount this repertory on the A computer. So on /etc/fstab : B:/share /mnt/A nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft 0 0 C:/usr/loca/share /mnt/B nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft 0 0 D:/home/divers /mnt/C nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft 0 0 and for export the repertory /mnt to all the domain, i write on /etc/export on A computer : /mnt *.foo on computer B, i write this in /etc/fstab : A:/mnt /mnt/A nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft 0 0 so in /mnt/A, i see repertory B,C, and D, if i go to B, i have also some repertory, but they are all empty ! why ?? somebody have an idea to correct me in my config ? thanks -- Nicolas Lamirault CVF Bordeaux 22 quai de Bacalan 33000 BORDEAUX