Michael P. Soulier wrote: > Sun, Sun, Sun... you'd think they'd wisen up by now. Especially > with C# > and .NET looming on the horizon.
As far as I believe, it would be C# and .NET that would have a tough time dealing with Sun's Java. Sun's ONE has started way too long ago, and their "networked world" has started ever since they released Java and ported their JVM to a slew of different architectures. A lot of programmers already go for Java. It's portability won over many (I'm really subjective on this, so please forgive me for this plug. btw, I don't use java, but it's well known to be very popular especially to those who design networked apps/solutions) C# and .NET would not be portable to non-M$-certified architecture or systems (at least that's what they implied when I asked them during the local microsoft convention where they released XP RC1.) > I don't really like Java all that much. Too slow. Moore's law be > damned= I agree. It's so perky to system resources - we even punned that you don't have the right to run Java apps if your system ain't a monster in terms of RAM and processor speed, as well as the internet connection. I just like the apps for they look cool and can be ported almost anywhere where there's a JVM ported to that architecture. A nice OOP language which I think can match with java is Python (when used with Zope - it just rocks. it feels like java, but it ain't java, at least for the uninitiated). Paolo Falcone __________________________________ www.edsamail.com