Michael Heldebrant, 2001-Nov-11 11:06 -0600:
> On Sun, 2001-11-11 at 00:26, Michael Patterson wrote:
> > Ok, I'm totally frustrated. To bring anyone who doesn't know up to date:
> > 
> > My previous service was "wantweb". I was given a static IP address, upon
> > which I set up a debian (potato) box. I used IP masquerading to connect all
> > my windows boxes to it (for game playing, you know).
> > 
> > Now I find that the company is going under. enter the cablemodem. I have
> > cablemodem service with Adelphia cable. ( @home). it works beautifully when
> > I hook up a single windows machine to it, using DHCP.

I have the same cable service, but I've statically set my IP
interface.  I've had not trouble with this for over a year since
the service doesn't rotate or change assigned IP addresses.

> > When I hook up my linux box to it, I get terrible performance, and
> > eventually my connection to the cablemodem fails. I can get the connection
> > back by powercycling the cablemodem. I'm using dhcp-client.

I've had no performance issues.

> Do you have a firewall in place?  I found out about two issues in my
> struggles.
> I found that without /proc/sys/net/ipv4/dynaddr set to 1 my second and
> future dhcp requests would try and go out the eth1 static internal card
> which was being blocked from sent by my firewall (source<=>adaptor
> anti-spoofing rules etc).
> I also found that my cable modem keeps sending me IGMP multicast packets
> that if I blocked the service would get flaky, at least as far as I
> recall.  Albiet that this was with pump that had it's own set of
> problems but I have charter @home working "almost perfectly" with
> dhcp-client.  My current setup still requires rebooting the modem (and
> perhaps not the pc next time, have to try that) on occassion but
> otherwise works very well.

I block 3 different type of packets consistantly sent to me
without any adverse effects (so far).  Two multicast packets and
one that I think is coming from my cablemodem itself (?). 


Jeff Coppock            Systems Engineer
Diggin' Debian          Admin and User

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