I want to burn grub, along with a kernel, onto a cdrom. My present system has been to install grub to a floppy, make changes to that floppy, and finally "dd" the floppy to a file, which I then set as the boot image in cdrecord. Is there a way to install grub direct to a floppy image file produced, say, by the following commands?
dd if=/dev/hda of=grub_boot.fdd bs=1024 count=2880 mke2fs grub_boot.fdd Is there a way for me to install grub directly to "grub_boot.fdd" and have a file system on that file at the same time? Following the grub doc, I have only been able to produce a 100K file which I can't loop mount to make the changes I want: dd if=/boot/grub/stage1 of=grub_boot.test bs=512 count=1 dd if=/boot/grub/stage2 of=grub_boot.test bs=512 seek=1 alpha:/foo/tmp$ ls -sh total 3.0M 2.9M grub_boot.fdd 100k grub_boot.test -- Sir Isaac Newton: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."