On Sunday 04 November 2001 04:51, Paul 'Baloo' Johnson wrote:
> On 3 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > What makes going to http://cdimage.debian.org/ "the preferred
> > method", and http://www.linuxiso.org/ "the the cheap copout".
> Debian does it the way they do to try and preserve space and
> bandwidth on mirrors.
> > I got disk 1 using cdimage.debian.org and disk 2 using
> > linuxiso.org, and bottom line, ISO was much faster and much easier.
> I've had mixed results.
> > I would really like to see the net install option as csj and others
> > have suggested... it seems that the infrasture is already there in
> > the installer...  I'm not ready to take part ;-)
> Debian is far easier to install via a network.  I would really like
> to see a business-card CD for Debian installs...could keep that puppy
> in my wallet and install Debian anywhere.

I have seen the names of the guys from lnx-bbc.org pop up on this list 
from time to time. Maybe they can help. I do see a debian install 
option on the their bootable business card. But I can't type apt-get / 
dpkg / deselect at the console prompt. I guess you have to install the 
package system first. What would be nice is to have a true-blue Debian 
version with the package system(s) already in place.

Sir Isaac Newton:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

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