Sorry for the long delay -- just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone
who responded, you were all very helpful.  I'm looking forward to this
project -- and I'll see if I can hunt down some extra ram for this
machine!  thanks,

On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 10:21:28AM -0500, Narins, Josh wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> Hi!
> > A middle-aged (~4 years old -- so, not old, not new) laptop is about
> > to become available to me, and I'd like to install debian on it.
> > The system is an HP Omnibook A4100,
> > P-II 300
> > 96 meg ram
> > 20 gig hard drive
> > 
> > I'd like to take the machine on a month-long trip, where I'd use it
> > mmostly for writing and checking email.   My *preference* would be to
> > run:
> > 
> > -a minimal GUI
> > -mutt, plus something to fetch my mail from a remote location
> > 
> > and... 
> > -openoffice.  
> > 
> Also, very important.
> Go through _all_ the processes you see with ps -ef.
> Each and every one you can eliminate helps.
> Do you really need atd and crond? or is just one anacrond sufficient?
> Do you have lpd or cupsd running, but no printer around?
> Each one of these things you can remove in the first place will greatly help
> in the long run.
> I ran stable, and testing for a while, on a 64MB box, with X, and everything
> worked fine (apache+mod_perl + mysql + vim + eterms + browser)
> And it was 300MhZ
> You'll be fine.
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