On Friday 02 November 2001 08:34, Craig Dickson wrote: > I'm interested in making my own Video CDs (playable in my > VCD-compatible DVD player). > > I have a number of good-quality MPEG-2 movies. I gather I would have > to convert these to MPEG-1. Is there any free Linux software that can > do this? > > I read somewhere that a Video CD is simply a data CD with a > particular directory structure and a set of text files for contents, > menus, and so on, in addition to the MPEG-1 movie files. So can I > just write the text files by hand and burn the files to a CD-R to > create a working Video CD?
I don't think they're plain vanilla data CD's. Otherwise you can happily do just: mount /cdrom ; cp /cdrom/mpegav/avseq01.dat . (or something to those effects). You can do a "dd" on a VCD, but the resulting data isn't of much use. For making VCD's the definitive resource is perhaps VCDimager, availbable for unstable. The website is www.vcdimager.org. VCDimager accepts, however, only "compliant" mpeg-1 streams. So, you need another program to downgrade your "good-quality MPEG-2 movies." You can try ffmpeg (http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net). -- Sir Isaac Newton: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."