On 01 Nov 2001 10:55:21 -1000
Andrew Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been having problems with licq the last couple of days.  I'm
> running testing with the 2.2.19 kernel.  It worked fine for months
> and all of a sudden my messages aren't being recieved.  I checked
> the network log and everything seems normal.  I send my messages to
> the icq.mirabilis.com server and recieve an ack for them, they just
> don't make it to the person i'm sending to.  Sometimes the first
> message will get through to my friend, but none after that.  My
> machine is dual boot, so I booted into windows and icq works there,
> also I have installed other icq clients( gnomeicu, micq, krolden,
> centericq ) and they all have the same problem.  I can recieve
> messages that are sent to me but can't send or reply to any
> messages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I can't give you much more than a `me too', but I did do a bit
of research: ICQ continues working as before as long as you do not use
`send message through server'. I'm not sure wether this is a change in
AOL's policy or the servers are just plain overloaded (second might be
true, as some messages do get through). Unfortunately, with licq, we
can not avoid that, when we sit behind a firewall, and specially if
the peer also does. I do not understand the situation fully, but
opening udp port 4000 on the firewall is definitively not enough
anymore. What does work is SNAT'ting all outgoing connections and
assigning a small port range (udp and tcp) to each internal client,
such that, say, port range 40070 to 40079 always if DNAT'ted to on incoming connections. At the same time, licq must be
configured to accept incoming connections just in this port range. I
really dislike this solution, as it's a potential security risk. The
real solution would be someone writing an ICQ proxy, but this is said
to be a major efford. What I'm not sure is how Windows versions do
work, but I did observe very strange attempt when asking the client to
automatically determine the proxy configuration: Many ports are
checked, notably ftp among them. They do work well with squid, but
then, I also observed problems in windows with a restrictive firewall.

Christoph Simon

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